So basically, women’s rights is completely going down the toilet. There are 9 states that have passed bills to limit the abortion procedure this year. Alabama signed a bill into law on May 15, 2019 that outlaws abortions in nearly all cases, with felony charges for physicians who perform the procedure. This law was passed solely to challenge Roe v. Wade and will not go into effect unless key portions of the U.S. Supreme Courts holding in this landmark 1973 case are overturned – this case affirmed the legality of a woman’s right to have an abortion under the Fourteenth amendment of the Constitution. On the other hand, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, and Ohio have stopped short of outright bans, and instead, have passed heartbeat bills that effectively prohibit abortions after six to eight weeks of pregnancy (which is usually when doctors can detect a fetal heartbeat). Many people believe that this is effectively the same thing as a complete ban because women do not usually find out that they are pregnant until around 6 weeks. Additionally, Utah and Arkansas voted to limit the procedure to the middle of the second trimester.
Legal Supporters of Abortion gathered outside of Washington, DC with some super sick signs that should not go unnoticed.
It kinda seems like we are totally screwed. Tbh, we might be. But there are several ways that we can ensure that these bills are not passed! For example, Warner Media, Walt Disney Co., and NBC Universal, three of the largest television and film production companies, have considered halting productions in Georgia pending the state’s decision regarding their new abortion law. In layman’s terms: If the Georgia law takes effect, these stations will reconsider Georgia as a home to any new productions. Bob Iger, CEO of Disney, said “I think many people who work for us will not want to work there, and we will have to heed their wishes in that regard.” Many other companies have followed suit including Netflix, Blown Deadline Productions, Duplass Brother Productions, and Killer Films, saying that they would no longer film in Georgia if the law is passed.
Ok Jasmine…but what does this have to do with abortion? I’M HAPPY THAT YOU ASKED. Remarks from these media companies can present a major setback for Georgia which has always been known as “the Hollywood of the South.” According to Georgia’s Department of Economic Development, there are 32 film, television, and digital productions underway in the state. By 2017, the economic impact of the film industry in Georgia was $9.5 billion, which is a very very very large portion of the state’s revenue. Therefore, if Georgia decides to pass this abortion bill, they will lose BILLIONS of dollars…not m’s……BIG B’S. This billion dollar financial loss would incentivize them not to pass the bill! Shout out to the media companies that said that they would reconsider Georgia as the home to any new productions because this might be the push they need to dead the bill.
Another way that you can get involved outside of tweeting and retweeting, is by calling your senator! I cannot stress this enough. We have to continue to stay involved and engaged. Call them and say that this is absolutely atrocious! Send angry emails! Blow their phone up the same way that you blow your man up that isn’t your man! Call! Call! Call!